Fueling Privacy and Participation

Contract Address

The ANyONe Protocol Token is the lifeblood of the Anyone ecosystem. It is a utility token used to facilitate access and control of the network and as a means to incentivize relay operators. As the use-cases for Anyone grow and network participation expands into the mainstream, the token naturally accrues value within the ecosystem.

Technical Foundations of $ANYONE

The ANyONe Token is an ERC20 on Ethereum mainnet with a fixed supply of 100 million tokens. However, as part of the Anyone Incentive Layer, the token exists in a 'wrapped' format on Arweave, where it plays a key role in regulating the network. $ANYONE operates in the Proof-of-Uptime mechanism, which rewards network participants based on their active and useful contributions to the network. Additionally, staking $ANYONE will be a requirement for every software relay, service and authority in the network; the well distributed nature of the token is key to the network's resilience from sybil attacks.

The Lifeblood of an Ecosystem

The ANyONe Token is not merely used for access - it is the lifeblood of the Anyone ecosystem. Through a carefully balanced set of incentives, relays in high demand will be able to token-gate their circuits, allowing high-throughput users and enterprises to use the token to 'subscribe' to a transient set of in-demand nodes. The token will take on a signalling and incentive role in the network, allocating supply where demand is highest whilst flowing revenue back into the protocol.


Anyone is widely distributed and can be acquired by prospective network participants in a number of ways both on and off-chain.