The Internet is
Rigged Against You

Corporations build a profile of you with every search, message and click.

VPNs Merely Shift The Privacy Problem

Users rely on centralized entities and their internal policies, opening up risk of logging and data leaks

What if there was no need to trust.
What if the power of decentralization
made privacy the default for everyone.


How Anyone Secures the Network

The Anyone Network is a new implementation of onion routing, built with relay incentives, decentralized network management, and new levels of client control. Centralized network functionalities will be decentralized through AO logic in a federated consensus model driven by staked tokens. As the network evolves, clients will be able to select their own paths through the network dependant on their requirements, availability, and token gating.

See Whitepaper

Use the Network

Lowering the Barriers to Data Control

Anyone is powered by a global DePIN: the incentivized, adaptive privacy layer that fits directly into your workflow. It is the modular privacy layer for the internet that any internet user can connect to, enterprises can customize and builders can configure apps on.

For Individuals

No bespoke browser needed: run the Anon client locally or on hardware and connect your daily internet usage to the network. Use privacy-centric alternatives to your favorite apps building on the network, from storage to messaging.

Encrypted 3 Hop Routing
Proxy Any Application
Privatized WiFI Router

For Enterprise

Secure your enterprise traffic by running the Anon proxy over sensitive ports. More than an anonymous network, the Anyone ecosystem will allow you to use Anyons's global node diversity as your organization needs to hit your SLAs.

On-chain Relay Heuristics
Modified Routing Hops
AI Optimized Routing

For Builders

Gain an edge over competitors by bundling private routing with your product. By installing Anon as a library on both Desktop and mobile frameworks, you can route all http traffic through private circuits without changing core logic.

Typescript SDK
NPM Installable Client
Python and Mobile SDKs