AO Rewards
are Live!

Contribute your bandwidth to the Anyone Network and earn passive tokens in real time!

Anyone Router
Hardware Sale: Live

Earn bonus hardware rewards, be a node in the network all while protecting your home network with this all-in-one DePIN device.

Ways to Earn

Two Main Ways to Earn

From running an Anyone Router device, using your own compute or configuring a virtual machine, there are many ways to earn while being part of the fastest onion routing network in the world!

Configure Your Existing Hardware

Anyone can run on any device with at least 2GB RAM and consistent internet uplink and downlink speeds

See the Network

Earnings are linked to your bandwidth and how long your relay has been live, as well as special multipliers for consistency and location!

Relay Education

Run an Anyone Hardware

Anyone Router hardware are home-friendly devices specifically configured for the Anyone Network. They are designed to run as a relay without requiring technical knowledge.

Hardware is crucial for network diversity and security, and are eligible to earn from a lucrative hardware rewards pool!

Get Your Hardware

Secure the Internet

How it Works

Find out more about how running a relay secures the internet for thousands of users around the world and how it rewards you!

Route Encrypted Traffic to Earn

Anyone Relays form part of onion routing circuits. Your device will receive encrypted packets from the previous node, and forward them through the network, fragmenting user data among multiple nodes for maximum privacy. Most nodes are 'middle' nodes, meaning you only interact with other nodes and not the wider internet.

Register on the Dashboard

Every Anyone Relay is tied to an Ethereum wallet. Once you specify it on your relay, you can see all your relays and their earnings on our decentralized dashboard. After configuring a relay, head to the dashboard to claim it and start earning.

See the Dashboard

A New Reward Mechanism:
Observed Bandwidth

Unlike tradtional crypto mining, which needs huge computing power and energy, the Anyone Network relies on diverse node operators contributing their home bandwidth. This makes Anyone a much more accessible way to earn passive crypto tokens.

Your rewards are primarily based on your 'observed bandwidth', a function of your internet uplink/downlink speeds that are tested by bandwidth authorities.

See the Whitepaper


Find out More

DePIN Rewards


10% of tokens, worth over 10M USD, are allocated to DePIN rewards - one of the largest pools! These tokens ensure base rewards for all relays, and are supplemented by usage fees.


Base Rewards

56% of all rewards are allocated to all active relays based on observed bandwidth. A relay's observed bandwidth ramps up over the first 56 days that it is active.  


All Operating Relays!





Within the hardware pool, half the rewards are linked specifically to uptime versus just bandwidth.


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Exit Relays

Exit Relays are critical to the network - these are the nodes that eventually forward your traffic to the destination site. Exit relays should only run by confident operators, and not from most people's homes. Exit relays earn from a 10% bonus pool.


All Operating Relays!





Those running an Anyone Router Hardware are entitled to earn from a hardware-only pool, worth 20% of rewards, which competes only with other official hardware.


All Operating Relays!



Family Multiplier

Multiple relays run by the same operator are known as relay families. By accurately declaring families, you earn a small boost in the reward for all your relays. In addition, any delegated staking towards your family grants you 5% of their earnings.

Geographic Multiplier

Introducing the geolocation multiplier! The world is divided into 2000km^2 hexes, with relays in unique locations due to get a small reward boost, while relays in heavily populated hexes have their rewards curtailed.


All Operating Relays!




Relay Distribution by Type

See the average, lower and upper quartile rewards for different relay types.

Average Daily Rewards







Quartiles and Median Chart
Quartiles and Median Chart
Quartiles and Median Chart
Quartiles and Median Chart

The Reward Leaderboard

See the top earners from the most recent epoch of the Anyone Distribution Protocol, and filter to get deeper insights!

# Nickname Fingerprint Tokens Earned (24h) Type